Realtime Self-hosting Config
You can use Environment Variables to configure your Realtime Server.
General Settings
General server settings.
Port which you can connect your client/listeners
Connect to database via either IPv4 or IPv6. Disregarded if database host is an IP address (e.g. '') and recommended if database host is a name (e.g. '') to prevent potential non-existent domain (NXDOMAIN) errors.
A unique name for Postgres to track the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL). If the Realtime server dies then this slot can keep the changes since the last committed position.
Start logical replication slot as either temporary or permanent
Bind realtime via either IPv4 or IPv6
JSON encoded array of publication names. Realtime RLS currently accepts one publication.
Enable/Disable channels authorization via JWT verification
HS algorithm octet key (e.g. "95x0oR8jq9unl9pOIx")
Expected claim key/value pairs compared to JWT claims via equality checks in order to validate JWT. e.g. '{"iss": "Issuer", "nbf": 1610078130}'.
Expose Prometheus metrics at '/metrics' endpoint.
Specify the minimum amount of time to wait before reconnecting to database
Specify the maximum amount of time to wait before reconnecting to database
Specify how often Realtime RLS should poll the replication slot for changes
Specify how often Realtime RLS should confirm connected subscribers and the tables they're listening to
Soft limit for the number of database changes to fetch per replication poll
Controls the maximum size of a WAL record
Database Settings
Connecting to your database.
Database host URL
Database name
Database user
Database password
Database port
Database SSL connection
Connect to database via either IPv4 or IPv6. Disregarded if database host is an IP address (e.g. '') and recommended if database host is a name (e.g. '') to prevent potential non-existent domain (NXDOMAIN) errors.